1.丰富多彩:rich and varied; rich and colorful
2.丰富多样:rich and varied
3.丰功伟绩:great deeds; brilliant feats
4.丰衣足食:well fed and well-clothed; live in plenty
5.风餐露宿:eat in the wind and sleep in the dew- endure the hardships of an arduous journey or fieldwork
6.风尘仆仆:have endured the hardships of a long journey; be travel-stained; be travel-worn and weary
7.风驰电掣:swift as the wind and quick as lightning
8.风吹草动:the rustle of leaves in the wind- a sign of disturbance or trouble
9.风吹浪打:be beaten by wind and waves; be battered by a storm
10.风吹雨打:be buffeted by wind and rain; be exposed to the weather
11.风度翩翩:have an elegant and smart carriage
12.风风火火:hustling and bustling; stirring
13.风和日丽:a bright sunshine and a gentle breeze; warm and sunny weather
14.风华正茂:at life’s full flowering; in one’s primes
15.风急雨骤:the storm raged
16.风卷残云:a strong wind scattering the last clouds-make a clean sweep of sth
17.风口浪尖:where the wind and the waves are highest- where the struggle is fiercest
18.风凉话:sarcastic remarks
19.风流云散:dispersed by the wind and scattered like the clouds-separated and scattered
20.风马牛不相及:have no relationship whatever with each other; be entirely unrelated
21.风平浪静:calm and smooth
22.风起云涌:be on the upsurge; surge ahead
23.风声鹤唳,草木皆兵:scared by the moan of the wind and the cry of the cranes, and seeing the enemy in every bush and tree
24.风调雨顺:good weather for the crops; favorable weather
25.风土人情:local conditions and customs
27.风言风语:gossip; unfounded rumor
28.风雨交加:It’s raining and blowing hard; It’s wet and windy
29.风雨飘摇:swaying in the midst of a raging storm; precarious; tottering
30.风雨如晦:wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky- a grin situation
31.风雨同舟:in the same storm-tossed boat- stand together through thick and thin
32.风雨无阻:stopped by neither wind nor rain- regardless of the weather; rain or shine
33.风云变幻:constant change of events; a changeable situation
34.风烛残年:old and ailing like a candle guttering in the wind
35.风姿卓越:with nice bearing; charming
36.封官许愿:offer official posts and make lavish promises; promise high posts and other favors
37.封妻荫子:confer titles of honor on the wife of a deserving official and hereditary ranks on his descendants
38.封杀出局:force out
39.疯疯癫癫:mentally deranged; acting like a lunatic
40.峰回路转:amidst surrounding elevation and winding roads
42.锋芒毕露:make a showy display of one’s ability; remarkable; too trenchant
43.锋芒所向:target of attack
44.逢场作戏:make merry as occasion arises
45.逢年过节:on New Year’s Day or other festivals
46.逢山开路,遇水搭桥:cut paths through mountains and build bridges across rivers
47.逢凶化吉:ill luck turns into goods
48.凤毛麟角:phoenix feathers and unicorn horns; rarity of rarities
50.奉命唯谨:obey orders scrupulously
51.奉若神明:adored as a god